domingo, 30 de maio de 2010

Crisis ....

You know when you reach your limit? When you have no strength to carry on with things that upset / bother/ hurt you? Well, think there is a great probability to be reaching it soon…
Maybe this is a stage people may call crisis, however it may need some classification.
 Calling it  Age crisis  would be suitable once, undoubtedly, reaching the adult life  with all its responsibilities and burdens  is not an easy thing to manage. Calling it Graduation Crisis would suit it as well, ‘cause the last year of college brings the enquires: What am I going to do for now on? Keep studying? Travel? Work? Work with what?...and the like….
There may be also what is called Personal crisis. You know, when there is the impression that your personal life is a mean joke (e.g. Catastrophe).  A Religious Crisis could be suitable too, when you sort of loose your faith somewhere along the way, and you need to find and get it back, ‘cause the absence of it makes you unbalanced.
A Family Crisis is when there is the need to deal with your parents “empty nest syndrome”, as well as, all their expectations, pressures, and so on, in an almost daily basis, while trying to cut off the ‘umbilical’ connection and spread your wings.
Meanwhile, the Creative Crisis hunts you, since, apparently, all that is written seems to be a bunch of non-sense meaningless things… Altogether, the Friends Crisis , as the awful mood that seems to be installed and settled inside your being, keeps pushing away from you all the ones you care about and who cares about you.
Yeah! I can hear someone saying: “What a melodramatic person!”… But, know what? Simply don’t care!
When it seems you are not in one of those kinds of crisis, but ALL of them at the same time, things are hard to see clearly. And, more than that, It is necessary to pass through it, to suffer, to learn from it, even when it is over and you stop and think: Maybe I overreacted!”
There is no magical solution. The only thing to be done is to exorcise the fears that hunts you in the way YOURSELF judges to be the best one. Let me deal with my OWN dilemmas, ‘cause I bet you have some of your own to deal with too.

sábado, 29 de maio de 2010

E o amanhã?!

O quanto vale o sacrifício? Seria isto perene e ínfimo? Deveríamos considerar somente os frutos vindouros do depois e desapercebermos o agora?
Em um jogo anestésico de mascaras, em um gira-mundo de sensações que não sentimos, momentos que nos escapam aos dedos, aos olhos e ouvido.... E depois?! Depois como identificá-los? Classificá-los?!
Este momento não seria o agora de um tempo que está por vir? Como saber que, quando este depois de chegar, não será considerado agora e, por mais uma vez, deixado postergar-se, deixar de se sentir, deixar de se viver...?
Por que prender-se urgência da cobrança, na cegueira do amanhã? Com isto não perdermos momentos preciosos? Doces e simples momentos do agora? Momentos e  experiências que não voltam?
Clichê?! Filosofia de boteco? Utopia?... Chamem-no do que quiser... a verdade?! A verdade é que ninguém escapa. Ao menos uma vez na vida este será o questionamento que lhe virá bater à porta.
Cabe apenas saber precisar o que fará a respeito. Qual será sua atitude? Deixar-se esconder por de trás da máscara de aparências fúteis de uma vida mecanicista e superficial? Ou, encarar o fato de que não sabe quem é, ou  o que faz e os por quês? Saberá escolher entre o esconder-se ou, com a cara a tapa, buscar o mundo cheio de possibilidades que se apresenta, terrivelmente grandioso, diante de você?!....